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Join our STEAM courses & workshops for funny educational moments.
Courses & Activities
We offer various of courses for students, children, parents and schools

Regular STEAM Coding & Design Courses
As development of innovation and technology in the future is the general trend! Let your children learn coding in advanced, create their own video game in Minecraft Education and Roblox Studio.
931SMD guides and supports children to develop infinite possibilities through any technology!
未來創新科技發展為大勢所趨!快人一步讓你的孩子學會編程在遊戲 Minecraft Education 及 Roblox Studio製作屬於自己的視頻遊戲內容。
931SMD 讓小朋友透過科技發展無限可能!
Robotic Course
Robotic classes and workshops are always the favourite activities run under 931SMD education team. Students can be trained up their skills of creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration through these courses.
機器人課程和工作坊一直是 931SMD 教育團隊最受歡迎的活動。 通過這些課程,學生可以培養他們的創造力、批判性思維、溝通和協作技能。

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