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Projects 項目
931SMD have experience in hosting, co-organizing and participating in various educational and charity activities. Provide an inclusive learning environment for our students, children, elders and different communities in Hong Kong, allowing them to learn happily and bring warmth. 🥰🥰
931SMD 具備許多主辦、協辦和參與各類教育和慈善活動項目的經驗。為我們香港的學生、孩子、長者和不同的社群給予一個共融學習的環境,讓他們快樂學習和帶來溫暖。🥰🥰

Octopus STEM x SPORTS Scheme
八達通 x 聖雅各福群會
931SMD 有幸參與「八達通創科運動計劃2023-2024」並提供教學方案。計劃設有四個運動主題,分別為乒乓球、保齡球、高爾夫球及攻防箭,預計約有240名學童受惠。學童將學習與STEM相關的知識及應用,涵蓋運動科學、編寫程式、馬達、機械裝置製作及micro: bit等主題。
931SMD is honored to participate in the "Octopus STEM x SPORTS Scheme 2023-2024" and provide STEM education solutions. The project has four sports themes, namely table tennis, bowling, golf and archery tag, and is expected to benefit approximately 240 students. Students will learn STEM related knowledge and applications, covering topics such as sports science, programming, motors, mechanical device production, and micro: bit.
RTHK 香港電台
長者 STEAM 及 樂齡科技活動分享
STEAM and Gerontech for the Elderly Activity sharing On-Air
Misa Chan, founder and CEO of 931SMD, shared her experience in teaching STEAM courses for the elderly and the role of gerontechnology in the daily lives of the elderly on RTHK.
931SMD創辦人兼行政總裁Misa Chan於香港電台《香江暖流》節目中分享長者STEAM課程授課過程中的經驗及樂齡科技在長者日常生活發揮的作用。

Minecraft Competition
931SMD is one of organizations which co-hosted the C.Miner Minecraft Competition in AsiaWorld-Expo at December 2021.
931SMD 是亞洲國際博覽館在2021 年 12 月的 C.Miner Minecraft 比賽的聯合舉辦 機構之一。

Christmas Charity Event
Cartier x CodesMine x Happy Baton x 931SMD
931SMD supported Cartier & CodesMine to execute the Christmas gift event during December 2021.
931SMD 協助卡地亞 & CodesMine 於 2021 年 12 月執行聖誕禮物活動。


Fire Dragon Heritage
STEAM Tour & Workshop
931SMD organized summer tour to visit Tai Hang Fire Dragon Hertiage and held VR STEAM workshops for children to design their dreamed Fire Dragon Heritage.
931SMD舉行暑期活動暢遊大坑火龍文化館,為孩子們舉辦VR STEAM工作坊,讓他們設計心目中的大坑火龍館。